expand.ai instantly turns any website into a type-safe API you can rely on.

  • Reliable scraping infrastructure
  • High quality with back checking
  • Great developer experience
  • Instant API for any website
const companies = await expand({
  sources: ['https://www.ycombinator.com/companies'],
  // auto-generated schema by expand.ai
  schema: Model('Company', {
    name: Expand.String,
    batch: Expand.String,
    url: Expand.String,
    industry: Expand.String,

We previously worked on

Typewrite with expand code snippet

pages extracted

Expand your AI's knowledge


Instant type-safe API for any website

expand.ai instantly creates a schema and gets the right data for you.

Get Typesafety

Adaptive AI, Your Schema, Your Rules

You can customize the schema to your needs.

Customize your schema
03Data Quality

Unparalleled Data Quality

All data is checked and traced back to the source, making hallucination impossible.

Get high quality data

Up To 10x Faster

Our extraction models are up to 10x faster than even GPT4-o mini.

I Need Speed
05Endless inputs

Endless Data Inputs

Harness the entire web and your internal documents with ease.

Provide Endless Inputs

Webscale Crawling Infra At Your Fingertips

Scale to millions of pages from all over the web. So far we scraped 22M pages.

Scale It Up

We Take Care Of The Hard Part

We manage stealth mode, proxies, browser infrastructure and auto healing so you don't have to.

Get Reliability
08Any website, any document

Any Public Website

No matter, if JavaScript rendering, or bot protection, we get you the data you need.

Get Any Website

Make the internet
your API


Save time and let our AI schema designer infer the schema for you.

Instant structured data from the web 📦

const companies = await expand({
  sources: ['https://www.ycombinator.com/companies']


You can also bring your own data, or just use the whole internet as your datasource.

Bring your own data 🎒

const companyDescription = await expand({
  sources: [ 
  prompt: 'What is the company about?',


We provide semantic markdown for your LLM that only contains the essential information.

Feed your LLM high-quality food 🥒

const result = await expand.markdown({
  sources: ['https://expand.ai/'],

// Pass the markdown into an LLM
const llmResponse = await openai.chat.completions.create({
  model: "gpt-4o",
  messages: [
    { role: "system", content: "You are a helpful assistant." },
    { role: "user", content: `Summarize the following markdown:

${result.markdown}` }


Just one more line and we start syncing the result into a dataset. You can export this to wherever you need it - be it S3, Postgres, or Google Sheets.

Coming Soon: Create datasets 💾

const companies = await expand({
const dataset = await expand.dataset({
  sources: ['https://www.ycombinator.com/companies'],
  schema: Model('Company', {
    name: Expand.String,
    batch: Expand.String,
    url: Expand.String,
    industry: Expand.String,
  name: 'yc-companies-db',

const companies = await db.findMany('Company')

Backed by Y Combinator